Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ready for More - Afton

Tonight was our 3rd time on 4 and 2's. Despite the twing in my hip and a stuffed up chest, I felt surprisingly Good! I haven't been able to kick this bit of a cough and it has moved to my chest, and of course John made us run up a hill. The best part about running up hills is; what goes up, must come down! I loved the run downhill, I felt like a superstar; ahead of the pack. We met Tanya. She hasn't run for about 8 months, so she fit in perfectly with our beginner schedule. Tibor also joined our running group, he gave Janelle some helpful hints on running downhill; take smaller strides and lean back. That poor girl is scared of falling on her face downhill because she is so tall. All together, we completed whopping 5.5km in 42 minutes, keeps on getting better. I confided in Janelle that I think I am ready for 5 and 2's, but lets not tell John that yet ;)

Visit our Joints in Motion Fundraising pages to donate to The Arthritis Society:


  1. awesome! you are such a trooper Afton!

  2. Thanks Hope!! :D I'm hoping I'll feel the same way next week when we start our 5 and 2's.

  3. get better soon Afton!
