Thursday, February 23, 2012

Slow and steady wins the race - Afton

Well wasn't that a slippery night of running!! EEEPP! I'm sure as most of you know we had a wonderful little blizzard with big wet snowflakes to cover our trail, so as the title suggests it went a bit slower then usual. We ran a total of 36 minutes and covered 4.8 kilometers, it was supposed to be more but as we reached the hill we were going to run a few times we quickly realized that was not going to happen today. I have to admit I was secretly jumping for joy, I have been trying to loosen up my legs enough each week just so I can get my long runs in, so if anyone out there has some magical cure or suggestion on how to relieve these shins and calves of this explosive feling send me a comment! Can you believe, in just over four weeks I will HAVE to be ready for the race no ifs ands or buts about it. Jen and I ran 14 kilometers this past Monday from the YMCA in Eau Claire Market, and we plan on heading down to the Glenmore reservoir this Sunday to do a 16 kilometer run. WOO! That will be the farthest I've gone, so wish me luck! See you all next week.


  1. You'll do great m'dear! But it'll be slidey out there Sunday too so go slow and be careful (mom speech over) HAVE FUN

  2. Don't forget the fancy new fuelbelt on Sunday (and the half of a powerbar) Go clockwise around the reservoir as it will be better to to up the steeper & slippery hill out of Weaselhead.

  3. I did something stupid to my foot! I think I just stepped on it weird, and now the muscles along the bottom ache...any suggestions massage therapist?

  4. Thanks for the input guys!! And the foot...hmmmmm chop it off and get a new one!! LOL You could try icing it if there is any inflamation that should help... mind you you could also try heat but if it is inflamed that will only makeit worse. :p
