Hi everyone, hope all of you are ready for christmas, only five more days to go!! I know I sure am, I was able to get all my christmas shopping and wrapping done yesterday. As for our training update, neither Janelle or I made it out running tonight, Janelle has a big exam tomorrow so she is studying, and I am feeling a bit under the wether so I am being a couch potato and just relaxing. It's amazing how easy it is to overload your plate and wear yourself out this time of year without even knowing it. On that note I should tell you I was able to raise $140.00 from shortbread cookie sales, I spent from 4pm till midnight baking and packaging cookies on Sunday only to find I was 6 cookies short of what I needed, so needless to say the next day I went out grabbed a few more ingredients and I now have 5 more bags to sell. I'm sure it won't take long.Well all, Janelle should be updating all of you on Thursday so I suppose I shall wish you all a Merry Christmas now, and I will see you all back here on Tuesday the 27th. Here's a picture from my baking extravaganza, keep in mind that was only about half! 

I ran for a half hour downtown today :) But man it was WINDY! At least running at night, the wind dies down a bit. Love this city!